By knowing the importance of swarnaprasha for the growing children to enhance immunity, intelligence, memory and brain development, we are providing processed and purified golden ash along with other herbal powders, honey and medicated ghee in every month of pushya nakshathra.
For all growing children from birth upto 16 years of age to enhance immunity, digestion and free from frequent illness of fever and cold.
Vata dosha gets aggravated in old age people and so they suffer from insomnia, degeneration of tissue, bone, nerve etc. We provide best rasayana medicine and treatment related to condition of patient.
We use herbal powders, decoctions and paste to care your beauty both internally and externally for diseased as well as to promote skin glowing free from acne, pimples, blemishes in face, feet and hand.
Globally, most of the couples have fertility problems due to modern lifestyle, job, food, obese etc and thus fail to attain pregnancy even after many IUD and IVF and investigation. Ayurveda here plays a vital role by removing doshas and enhancing the capacity of uterus to provide a healthy progeny.
            Most ladies have irregular menstrual cycle with more or less or sometimes without menstrual bleeding. Sometimes severe pain during menstruation
According to Ayurveda, for all these conditions, medicated thread or medicated ash is applied to get rid of pain, swelling and discharge.
Vata dosha gets aggravated in old age people and so they suffer from insomnia, degeneration of tissue, bone, nerve etc. We provide best rasayana medicine and treatment related to condition of patient.
Counseling and medicines, treatment like sirodhara is given to calm mind and body.